Tuesday, May 26, 2015

D3 9.x on Centos 6 - Needed libraries


Friday, May 22, 2015

What Version am I running...... Here's some answers!

What version of UniVerse am I running?
To get the version of UniVerse on your server for all recent releases of UniVerse, go to TCL in any User account and edit the "RELLEVEL" file in your VOC file:
5 lines long.
----: P
0001: X
0002: 10.1.11
0003: PICK
0005: 10.1.11
Bottom at line 5.
----: EX
In this example, the release is 10.1.11.

What is my UniVerse Serial Number?To find the UniVerse Serial Number, enter the CONFIG command at TCL. The Serial Number is the same as the License Number listed on the first line.
Configuration data for license number 123456789:
User limit = 10
In this example, the UniVerse Serial Number is 123456789

What version of UniData am I running?
To get the version of UniData on your server for all recent releases of UniData, execute "VERSION" from the TCL command prompt:

Unidata RDBMS......................3.3.2     Yes
Recoverable File System............1.1       No
Transaction Processing.............1.1       No
UniData OFS/NFA....................1.3       No
UniServer..........................1.3       Yes
UniDesktop.........................1.3       No
USAM Monitor Profile...............1.3       No
USAM Print.........................1.3       No
USAM Batch.........................1.3       No
USAM Journaling....................1.3       No
The actual Version of UniData is (last line).


What version of HP-UX am I running? 
To get the version of UNIX on your server, go into the korn shell and enter the 'uname' command with an 'a' option.:
>uname -a
HP-UX  bmd350  B.10.20  D 9000/831  2011043966  64-user license
This example shows HP-UX running the 10.20 version.

What version of IBM AIX am I running? 
For those of you running the IBM AIX operating system, to find out what version of the Operating System you are running (including the Rocket Software UniData release), go to the UNIX shell, change directories as shown below and execute the cat command as follows:

# pwd
-r--r--r--   1 root     dw              173 Feb 28 2003  port.note
# cat port.note
Platform         : AIX 4.3.3
Operating System : AIX engine 3 4 000159494C00
Porting Date     : Feb 28 2003
UniData Release  : 6.0.3 60_030221_4161
Ported by        : srcman

What version of Windows NT am I running?
To get the version of Windows on your server for all releases of NT4.0, execute the command "STATUS" at TCL within the UniVerse environment:
You are logged onto XYZ running Windows NT 4.0 (Build 1381 Service Pack 6)